
Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann
Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann

AN EYE FOR MURDER introduced Ellie Foreman, a video producer and single mother who went on to star in five more novels in a series described by Libby as “a cross between Desperate Housewives and 24.” JUMP CUT, an espionage thriller featuring Ellie and her daughter was released in 2016. Libby is known for her portrayal of strong female characters. Libby’s best-selling novels have won widespread acclaim since her first novel, AN EYE FOR MURDER, which was nominated for several awards and described by Publisher’s Weekly as “a masterful blend of politics, history, and suspense”. In addition to writing, Libby writes and produces videos, and conducts speaker training programs in platform speaking, presentation skills, media training and crisis communications. Originally from Washington, D.C.-where, she says, “When you’re sitting around the dinner table gossiping about the neighbors, you’re talking politics”-Libby earned a Masters Degree in Film Production from New York University and a BA in History from the University of Pennsylvania. She went on to work for public relations firm Burson-Marsteller in Chicago in 1978, where she stayed until she left to found Fischer Hellmann Communications in 1985. Retrained as an assistant director when Watergate broke, Libby helped produce PBS’s night-time broadcast of the hearings. Libby began her career as an assistant film editor for NBC News in New York before moving back to DC to work with Robin McNeil and Jim Lehrer at N-PACT, the public affairs production arm of PBS. Her newest work is DOUBLEBLIND, the 6th Georgia Davis thriller.

Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann

She has been nominated for many awards in the mystery writing community and has even won a few. Sixteen novels and twenty-five short stories later, she claims they’ll take her out of the Windy City feet first.

Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Libby Fischer Hellmann left a career in broadcast news in Washington, DC and moved to Chicago a long time ago, where she, naturally, began to write gritty crime fiction.

Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann