
Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen
Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen

Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen

It wasn't like I was arguing, "No, I need Bug and Rocket Raccoon!" He was right there with me. We just went down the list and chose the least likely characters. Then he sent me this list of characters he and I had cherry-picked for Peter Quill's team. Moving on, can you talk about the planning process behind Annihilation Conquest and how your role compared to that on the original Annihilation? Giffen: Actually, when Bill Rosemann called and offered me Star-Lord he gave me a kind of overview and sent me Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's outline of Conquest so I would know what the bigger story was and how my own storyline would have to fit in. As long as sales warrant we're just going to keep doing it. "Oh my god! They're all back to back!" Well, you're buying them. Giffen: Sometimes I find that the fans will complain about Marvel doing the big events or DC doing the big events. Then the market will cycle onto whatever the next thing is.

Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen

So yeah, they're going to keep plugging away on the big events until it no longer becomes profitable. The market tends to vote with its dollars and the votes are in.

Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen

To think that the companies are going to say "Well, this book sold really well, but let's give it a six-month rest." That's just not going to happen. Giffen: It's an event driven market right now. Giffen: So what company does? IGN Comics: Well. IGN Comics: Some fans have complained that Marvel doesn't wait long enough between major event storylines, like with Annihilation. I'm kind of glad they dusted off Star-Lord and gave him to me because I'm really fond of the Peter Quill character and it's always fun to write him. I think I first introduced him in the Peter Quill persona in my Thanos book way back when. That was sort of a stupid question, wasn't it? But you're a big fan of the character, correct? Giffen: Oh yeah. I wrote him in the first Annihilation mini-series. IGN Comics: Were you very familiar with the character beforehand? Giffen: Peter Quill? Of course. But I didn't know the nuts and bolts of it until the editor Bill Rosemann gave me a call and asked if I'd be interested in writing a Star-Lord mini-series. I kind of figured after the success of the first Annihilation they'd follow up on it in one way or another. IGN Comics: When did you first become aware that Marvel was planning a sequel to Annihilation? Keith Giffen: Basically, when they called me to do Star-Lord. Read on as he goes into detail about his love for the Peter Quill, how writing Star-Lord compares to an undertaking like Countdown, and nearly chews out head off for daring to suggest that Marvel's event comics come out too frequently.

Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen

In the final part of our four part series of Annihilation Conquest interviews, we sat down with Giffen.

Annihilation, Book Three by Keith Giffen